Years 1 - 6

Welcome to Embleton Primary School Years 1 - 6
We look forward to a long and happy association with you as we work together to ensure your child’s time here is enjoyable and rewarding.
Our vision is to develop a learning community made up of caring and professional people who maximise each child’s potential academically, physically, socially and emotionally. Embleton will prepare all students to work and play with others, progress academically, enhance their talents and be socially responsive citizens of the future.
Parents play a critical role in helping their children to be successful learners at school and it is essential that the partnership between parents and the school is encouraging and supportive. If you have a concern about your child, please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher in the first instance. If concerns are not resolved or if there is a wider school issue, please contact the Principal or Deputy Principal.
The period before school is really important for teachers to prepare work for the class. Parents are asked to avoid making appointments or involving teachers in long discussions before school unless the matter is of extreme urgency.
For the primary school child, homework's greatest value is in the development of sound
study habits. Parents can help greatly by insisting on the child setting aside a regular home
study time either before or after tea. Children will often say that they have no homework.
This indicates that no actual written exercise for completion has been set by the class
teacher but other homework activities such as reading, spelling, tables etc. can still be done
in the homework period. The choice can be the student’s and/or parents. The development
of regular reading habits is also very important.
Session Times
8.50: Classes Commence
10.50 - 11.10: Recess (First 10 mins for eating in the undercover area.)
1.10 - 1.50: Lunch (First 10 mins for eating in the undercover area.)
3.00: School Finishes
Contact Numbers
School Office – 9271 4019