Our Vision


About our school

Embleton Primary School is experiencing steady growth with a current student enrolment of approximately 155 students.

The school is situated within an area of urban renewal and celebrates the rich diversity of culture this brings. The majority of teaching and support staff are highly experienced and regularly engage in professional development leading to high quality teaching and learning programs.

Info for parents Info for students

A supportive environment for all students

The school community provides strong and active support, and includes an active P&C Committee who contribute to the provision of quality school resources. The school and community work together to achieve our overall vision to assist all students to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence in a caring environment in order to achieve their individual potential and to become life long learners.Staff are committed to ensuring that students engage in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as part of their classroom learning. Through embedding the use of ICT in the curriculum we aim to ensure our students our well-prepared as future citizens of a global community.


What makes Embleton PS special?

Together with the provision of high quality teaching and learning programs is the strong emphasis on catering for the social and emotional needs of our students. Staff are currently engaged in whole school planning to ensure that we are including the explicit teaching of social skills with an emphasis on the building of resiliency.

Our vision is to develop a learning community made up of caring and professional people who maximise each child's potential academically, physically, socially and emotionally. Embleton will prepare all students to work and play with others, progress academically, enhance their talents and be socially responsive citizens of the future.

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Enrolment Info
Kindergarten 2025 ApplicationsNOW OPEN