4 Year Old Kindergarten

Welcome to the Embleton Primary School Kindergarten Centre
We hope that the coming year will be happy and rewarding for both you and your child.
As your child’s first teacher, the role you play is vital. The early years of school build on the experiences your child has at home and sets the foundation for all their future learning.
One of the most important things you can do for children is encourage a love of learning. In kindergarten, you child continues to build on the important skills they have developed with you at home. These skills may include your child being able to talk about things that interest them, draw pictures, pretend write, recognise colours, numbers, sizes and shapes; and share with others..
Children learn best when they are supported by their families. The more you are involved in your child’s learning and the more you talk to the teacher, the better you can both support your child. Strong partnerships with the school and regular contact with the teacher makes sure your child gets the best start to school. .
A fun, happy and safe environment at home, school and within the school community helps your child develop socially, emotionally and intellectually. Play is particularly important in childhood learning. Play gives children opportunities to develop imagination, practise skills, communicate with others, take on challenges and solve problems in fun and enjoyable ways.
Singing, playing games, building, playing make believe, talking, climbing, dancing, reading, writing and drawing all help your child’s brain develop ways of thinking and learning.
Kindy is the first learning experience your child has of school – of the wonder and excitement of learning, discovery and exploration. There are lots of things you can do to support your child’s learning, this booklet gives you information and ideas so we can work together to give your child the best start to school.
While Kindy is not compulsory in Western Australia, regular attendance is highly recommended as your child builds on important social and emotional skills that help them throughout their school life. They also develop early maths, speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Developing the habit of going to school every day is vitally important so your child does not miss out on important ideas and skills they need for future learning. The attendance habits set by your child when they first start school continues throughout their school life
Session Times
Kindy Day 8.50am – 3pm
Odd weeks will be 2 days and even weeks will be 3 days.
Please see attached Term Planner for Kindy timetable.
Contact Numbers
Kindergarten Classroom – 9338 9713
School Office – 9338 9700