Principal's Message
Welcome to Embleton Primary School
We enjoy the benefits of being a small school with a high level of academic achievement and pastoral care for students.
Our school has significant successes in academic, creative, sporting and community activities. Students are at the core of our school and as a community we work together to develop the needs of each child.
Our programs and learning opportunities that enrich student learning would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of our staff. The level of pastoral care and the pursuit of continual improvement in teaching that our staff at Embleton Primary School exhibit has a major influence on the success of our students. We are your child's unwavering cheer squad.

We encourage and celebrate individual uniqueness and inclusivity, and are privileged to host four classes of students from Durham Road School. We have families from all over the world at our school, celebrating the rich diversity of cultures and abilities this brings. We're a proud Independent Public School which gives us greater autonomy to meet our school community needs, consolidate our successes and foster further growth and improvement.
We welcome parents to be part of their child's education, working together to guide them on their social, emotional and academic journey. Our school community contributes to our strategic direction through parent representatives on our School Board. We have an active Parents and Citizens Association, and parents are involved in many school activities and special events.